This notepads history is like your hairs

Tags: funny, notepads, history, hairs

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    I told Zack Dont rush the Geese He responds am not afraid of any animals So what does a good parent do Grab my camera and take pictures of the lesson my son is about to learnThis is the picture version of the escapade Collection

    Pic #1 - I told Zack Dont rush the Geese He responds  am not afraid of any animals So what does a good parent do Grab my camera and take pictures of the lesson my son is about to learnThis is the  picture version of the escapadePic #2 - I told Zack Dont rush the Geese He responds  am not afraid of any animals So what does a good parent do Grab my camera and take pictures of the lesson my son is about to learnThis is the  picture version of the escapadePic #3 - I told Zack Dont rush the Geese He responds  am not afraid of any animals So what does a good parent do Grab my camera and take pictures of the lesson my son is about to learnThis is the  picture version of the escapadePic #4 - I told Zack Dont rush the Geese He responds  am not afraid of any animals So what does a good parent do Grab my camera and take pictures of the lesson my son is about to learnThis is the  picture version of the escapade View Collection

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