Standingbear was a true pioneer of conflict resolution

Tags: funny, standingbear, true, pioneer, conflict, resolution

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    Just got home from work and found this note from my dad on the fridgea little confused i walked to into the living room to find my cat as promised Thanks dad Collection

    Pic #1 - Just got home from work and found this note from my dad on the fridgea little confused i walked to into the living room to find my cat as promised Thanks dadPic #2 - Just got home from work and found this note from my dad on the fridgea little confused i walked to into the living room to find my cat as promised Thanks dadPic #3 - Just got home from work and found this note from my dad on the fridgea little confused i walked to into the living room to find my cat as promised Thanks dadPic #4 - Just got home from work and found this note from my dad on the fridgea little confused i walked to into the living room to find my cat as promised Thanks dadPic #5 - Just got home from work and found this note from my dad on the fridgea little confused i walked to into the living room to find my cat as promised Thanks dad View Collection

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