
Tags: funny, savage

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    July Collection

    I dont evenWe all know that feelingthe best cosplayMy wife made croissants for breakfast Nailed it With all these freeze frame posts I give you the single best in joke that flashed for less than a second on BBC Comedy_Found in an Australian newspaperAnd not a single fuck was given that daySorry this never happ ok it does but Ill call you gotta goWhats been happening lately in the officeWas looking to buy a puppy so i search Craiglist was not disappointedWatch out we got a badass over herePic #15 - For my cakeday have my collection of funny pictures My -year-old son took his st photoshop tutorial today When he was finished this is what he made as his first solo projectKnow the differenceyr Old Skateboarder Neal Unger - Sissy Pop Pic #1 - I was sitting at a local coffee shop today and I noticed a small drawer under my table I opened it and stumbled upon the best thing everHuman JumbotronTheyll show up this time I just know itGive me my foods human View Collection

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