Told my mom I was hosting a party She came over fully equipped to take out of germs and any other piece of matter in my house hold before she would let any other human come into contact with any surface or even the air in this shit hole I had a few dishe

Tags: funny, told, hosting, party, equipped, germs, piece, matter, house, hold, human, contact, surface, shit, hole, dishes, sink

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    My -year old niece decided to put googly eyes on my tattoos Collection

    Pic #1 - My -year old niece decided to put googly eyes on my tattoosPic #2 - My -year old niece decided to put googly eyes on my tattoosPic #3 - My -year old niece decided to put googly eyes on my tattoosPic #4 - My -year old niece decided to put googly eyes on my tattoosPic #5 - My -year old niece decided to put googly eyes on my tattoosPic #6 - My -year old niece decided to put googly eyes on my tattoos View Collection

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