It was a boozy night and I was trying to be discrete It was a real whole room stopped and stared moment

Tags: meme, boozy, night, trying, discrete, real, stopped, stared, moment

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    i hacked an electric nerf watergun and installed it into my rear bumper the trigger is the red button by my shifter Collection

    Pic #1 - i hacked an electric nerf watergun and installed it into my rear bumper the trigger is the red button by my shifterPic #2 - i hacked an electric nerf watergun and installed it into my rear bumper the trigger is the red button by my shifterPic #3 - i hacked an electric nerf watergun and installed it into my rear bumper the trigger is the red button by my shifterPic #4 - i hacked an electric nerf watergun and installed it into my rear bumper the trigger is the red button by my shifter View Collection

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